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We’ve started on our mission to make disruption management more efficient

29th July 2019

Work started on 1st July on our AI Decision Support Tool for Train Operations Companies (TOCs), funded by Innovate UK’s First of a Kind 3 (FOAK 3) competition.   The project is due to complete on 31st March so we have to work quickly to meet our goal.

Our team of developers, designers and programmers, including AI and machine learning specialist Dr Laurent Hoffman, have started work specifying and scoping the solution, and building prototype code using Bayesian Networks.

During the definition phase of the project, we want to get as much input as possible from operations, performance, and control staff from train operating companies across the UK rail network to make sure we are producing the best and most appropriate tool. This input will be vital to us, as it will further help us to shape the project and the tool’s functionalities to address real problems faced by TOC staff every day.

If you would like to get involved, please contact us directly to find out more about how your input can shape this work.

Throughout the project, we will be liveblogging our progress and issue updates as we go along. These will be published on our blog page and sent out via our LinkedIn and Twitter accounts, so be sure to connect with us to stay in touch and find out how we are getting on.

It’s going to be a very exciting and probably bumpy journey ahead, so watch this space for more updates and do please get involved if you can.

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