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A Company Update

16th October 2020

Things have been a little quiet on the blog for the last few months, but we hope you’re keeping well and staying safe.

In our latest blog, we wanted to provide you with a quick update into what Jnction have been getting up to for the last few months, it’s been a busy, busy time.  

The team are very busy, we have been having discussions with multiple industry professionals, and the Development Team are working on the Decision Support Tool. Like most businesses, we are still working remotely, with occasional commercial meetings happening in the office. Fortunately, we were already set up for home working, so it has proved relatively straightforward.

A summary  

The big news earlier in the year was that we successfully completed our Decision Support Tool (DST) project for TOCs which was funded by Innovate UK. In May we ran a webinar with Innovate UK and the DfT which generated a great deal of interest in the project and we have been following that up with lots of discussions with colleagues right across the rail industry.

Recent Developments

On the development front, the team have made great advancements with the Decision Support Tool, and we have now reached the usability testing stage. Permitting everything running smoothly, we still expect a general release by Spring 2021.


Due to COVID-19 and the recent Emergency Agreements, we’ve had to put the Aubin project on hold for now. However, we received very helpful feedback from people in the Autistic community and TOCs, so we’re choosing to take this time to implement this feedback as well as work on adapting Aubin for other hidden disabilities!

We’re always keen for additional ideas and we are looking to open up discussions with other rail organisations. If you work in Accessibility and have any other ideas into how we can develop Aubin, or are interested in the project, please email us at hello@jnction.uk or call us on 020 3011 1008.


As Jnction is a SaaS provider, we’re currently in dialogue with a small number of TOCs regarding piloting trials of the DST, if you’re interested in a demonstration or just require more information, please contact Emlyn James at emlyn@jnction.uk.

From now on, we will be more active on the blog front, with more regular articles arriving every week.

And again, we hope you stay safe and well during this time,


The JNCTION team

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