Data Analytics

Rail Consultancy & Data Analytics

Our new generation of tools are driven by real-time data feeds that are used by our consulting practice to help clients make smarter decisions and solve complex business challenges.

A new generation of data potential

We use advanced machine learning and AI techniques to identify and predict meaningful patterns from large data sets and develop unique market insights in real-time.

Smartly deployed data analytics provide premium insights that underpin great decision making. This is an area where many large management consulting organisations lack the credibility of specialist technology companies like JNCTION.

Work with us

Our experience

Our data scientists and analysts are experts in rail data and are highly experienced at providing actionable insights for rail-specific problems.

Our services include performance analysis, infrastructure usage, timetable development and planning, as well as signalling improvement.

Our team

Working with you from start to finish

Identifying Priorities and Challenges

Working alongside your teams, we will identify your priority areas and biggest business challenges. We will scope what you want to work on and how we can help.

Tool-Agnostic Approach

Unlike many organisations, we are tool-agnostic and work with the best tools for your specific challenge. We like to demonstrate the application of our analysis through proof of concept, before scaling to the wider business or other geographies. We can help you:

  • Give your customers improved experience through better understanding of their trends
  • Reduce delays by building a holistic picture of your asset performance
  • Improve your performance metrics through optimised timetables
  • Monetise your data by using it to provide analytics insights to other business (e.g. retail, food outlets

Sustained Implementation and Support

By working with you throughout, identifying clear technical owners for our solutions within your business and supporting the roll-out with excellent communications to win heart and minds, our team make change stick and help you realise the benefits long-term.

Work with us

We've worked with some of the leading rail companies...

“JNCTION were quick to develop and launch a brilliant app that has gone down extremely well with our teams.”

— John Geary, Head of Customer Experience at MTR Corporation