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JNCTION Releases Decision Support Tool With LNER as First Operator

21st July 2021

lner train

21 JULY 2021, LONDON: Rail Applications Developer JNCTION are launching their Decision Support Tool this week and have been working with LNER to deploy the system on the East Coast Mainline.  LNER is the first Train Operator to use the system, as a ‘run the business tool’.


LNER announced on 19th July:

‘As part of LNER’s focus on innovation to enhance the customer experience, LNER has become the first train company in the UK to use new artificial intelligence software to better manage disruption. When services are disrupted, the new system by JNCTION, aims to help LNER ensure any delays are kept as minimal as possible.’


The Decision Support Tool (DST) is a first-of-a-kind, real-time machine-learning based tool to assist control teams to manage train operations in disruption, both minor and major. The automated tool allows new train plans to be devised in minutes, thereby improving performance and saving train operators, control teams and passengers, time and money.


Development of the system began in 2018 and received funding from Innovate UK in 2019 to bring the product to market readiness under the First-of-A-Kind 3 scheme.


The Decision Support Tool was sponsored by the Department For Transport and LNER was the Train Operator partner during the development of a Minimum Viable Product. LNER entered into a contract with Jnction to deploy the Software as a Service tool within the York ROC in September 2020 and the first release was delivered within eight months.


For years, ‘how train companies dealt with delays’ has been the primary cause of dissatisfaction for passengers. However, due to COVID-19 and the low ridership, punctuality has improved and delays have been less of an issue. Now, as we recover from the pandemic and lockdown restrictions ease, more people are returning to the railways. Train Operators will once again need to focus on addressing this primary cause of dissatisfaction and identify processes and systems to better manage delays.


The tool boasts a number of benefits. It saves operators, staff and customers time and money, allows performance teams to analyse previous disruptions to understand where incident management improvements can be made in future and most importantly, minimises the number of and impacts of delays, for better customer experiences.


JNCTION Managing Director Mike Lloyd says: “It has been an incredible experience developing the Decision Support Tool over the past three years and we’re looking forward to seeing the difference it makes now that it is live within the LNER operations. We’re positive this innovation will transform the way the industry deals with disruption.”


The Decision Support Tool is now available for deployment at other train operators.

For further information or to arrange a demo, contact Emlyn James on 020 3011 1008.





Further Information


For press enquiries, contact Jack Clifford at jack.clifford@jnction.uk


To find out more about JNCTION’s products and services, visit www.jnction.uk

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